(receita da pavlova de Donna Hay para Masterchef Australia )
300ml de claras de ovo (cerca de 10 claras)
440g de açúcar
4 colheres de chá de amido de milho (Maisena)
4 colheres de chá de vinagre de vinho branco
3 colheres de sopa Chocolate em pó
50 gr de chocolate em barra
Ligue o forno r regule-o para 150ºC.
Bata as claras em castelo, mas não as deixe ficar demasiado duras. Acrescente depois o açúcar, aos poucos e poucos, batendo muito bem com a batedeira . As claras devem ficar completamente duras e muito brilhantes (Se não atingiu este ponto, nem vale a pena colocar a mistura no forno...)
Junte agora o amido de milho e o vinagre e bata muito bem.Junte o chocolate em pó e bata .Junte o chocolate partido e bata para misturar tudo muito bem.
Forre um tabuleiro com papel vegetal . Coloque o merengue dentro desse circulo e com a ajuda de uma espátula molde as claras de modo como se de um bolo se tratasse.
Coloque a pavlova no forno e reduza-o para 120ºC. Deixe cozinhar a pavlova durante 1h20 e evite abrir a porta do forno. Ao fim desse tempo desligue o forno e deixe-a arrefecer completamente lá dentro antes de a retirar.
Bata as natas com o açúcar e coloque no centro da pavlova arrefecida. Decore com morangos .Depois de fria a pavlova pode ser decorada como preferirem.
p.s-receita original é metade da receita publicada.
This was undoubtedly the best Pavlova I've ever had . Crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside with bits of chocolate to feel every mouthful . Divine!!
(pavlova recipe from Donna Hay for Masterchef Australia)
330ml egg whites (about 10 egg whites)
440g Sugar
4 teaspoons of corn starch (Cornstarch)
4 teaspoons of white wine vinegar
3 tablespoonsChocolate Powder
50 grChocolate Bar
Preheat the oven to 150 º C.
Beat egg whites until stiff, but not let them get too hard. Then add the sugar, little by little, beating well with an electric mixer. The egg whites should be completely hard and very bright (if not reached this point, not worth putting the mixture in the oven ...)
Now add the corn starch and vinegar and mix well. Add the cocoa powder and whisk. Add the chocolate and whisk to mix everything.
Line a tray with baking paper. Place the meringue on the tray and with the help of a spatula mold as a cake.
Place the pavlova in the oven and reduce to 120 º C. Let cook a pavlova for 1h 20m and avoid opening the oven door. At the end of that time turn off the oven and let it cool completely inside before removing.
Whip the cream with the sugar and place in center of the cooled pavlova. Garnish with strawberries.
ps-original recipe is half the recipe published .
3 tablespoonsChocolate Powder
50 grChocolate Bar
Preheat the oven to 150 º C.
Beat egg whites until stiff, but not let them get too hard. Then add the sugar, little by little, beating well with an electric mixer. The egg whites should be completely hard and very bright (if not reached this point, not worth putting the mixture in the oven ...)
Now add the corn starch and vinegar and mix well. Add the cocoa powder and whisk. Add the chocolate and whisk to mix everything.
Line a tray with baking paper. Place the meringue on the tray and with the help of a spatula mold as a cake.
Place the pavlova in the oven and reduce to 120 º C. Let cook a pavlova for 1h 20m and avoid opening the oven door. At the end of that time turn off the oven and let it cool completely inside before removing.
Whip the cream with the sugar and place in center of the cooled pavlova. Garnish with strawberries.
ps-original recipe is half the recipe published .
É daquelas coisas que não me saem nada bem.
ResponderEliminarEssa ficou linda e deve ser mesmo uma delicia.
São tens de certeza que esta te vai sair tão bem como a mim!! beijinhos